153). As of Wednesday,the historical society hadreceived two phone calls, 14 emails and 72 Facebook comments or reviews. "You kind of look like a goofball when youre calling up and venting like that to the wrong agency.. ", 3. God Bless his mother and father who have had to live through this I would NEVER EVER visit your town in fear that if I were to run a stop sign, you would have me arrested on a murder charge. Ricky's mother, however, was not so easily quieted. But I am equally as certain that what I did see, and hear, was more than enough to not only show a preponderance of reasonable doubt, but to convince me that Manitowoc County is replete with corruption. Please know that your judicial system looks like you all are unethical, immoral and corrupt. Avery, 23, professes his innocence and produces 16 alibi witnesses. People that are passing judgment on just the facts in that film, I think theyre way off base. I felt that at the very least, the Sheriff's Department should place these on file in case something shows up later. Talking with residents throughout the city in recent days,it seemed like few had watched the entire series. Popular Services. Well, shit! The crime lab, however, was not called immediately. "The Wrecking Crew" takes a deeper look into Kathleen Zellner's legal process. Part one will focus on Sheriff Kocourek and Sheriff Petersen. Was Bobby conducting those disturbing searches on the computer recovered from his room, or was it someone else? To be sure, I am not saying Mr. Avery was innocent, but, there was clear and convincing evidence, to me, of a massive amount of reasonable doubt which means he is innocent in this country. "The actions towards the Avery family by the Manitowac (sic) Sheriffs Department are among the most deplorable examples I have seen of pure evilness in human society I hope you are aware that a growing portion of this country, if not this planet, is under the opinion that your department is corrupt and a great shame to the American people, our government and our Constitution. Here's a snapshot of the worldwideoutrage directed at Hermann: 1. IMO driving through an intersection and off the road at highway speed with your vehicle only coming to rest due an embankment is something youd expect from an intoxicated driver, not something youd expect from a sober officer driving his squad car. 57m As Steven starts creating a new life for himself, he pursues a lawsuit against Manitowoc County law enforcement officials for corruption in his case. Ever God will deal with everyone who had a hand in this mess, you can be sure of that. 170) a bold but carefully worded statement. I used to think of cranes when I heard the name Manitowoc, not. And although it's a big topic of conversation, she said, most people here are talking about the documentary itself, notdebating whether the men actually committed the crime. Sharon McConnell of Manitowoc,approached as she was reading a newspaper at a local cafe,said she hasn't seen the series and doesn't plan to watch it. 77). Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey are innocent. Like Kocourek and Petersen before him, Sheriff Hermann made sure the upper echelon of the MCSD contained a bastion of loyalists, family and friends. I find it amazing that anyone involved from your county involved in the Steven Avery case can sleep at night. Local officials and organizations havebeen bombarded with taunts and questions and requests over the Netflix docu-series, "Making a Murderer." Ferak correctly observed that, like Kocourek, "Bushman owed a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Hermann family.. After reportedly driving around all night to different dealerships with the improperly collected car parts in his vehicle (Pg. WOW! ", 5. Just as with Petersen, it was only a few months after the incident when Bushman's promotions starting rolling in. The 10-part Netflix series has turned an uncomfortable spotlight on Manitowoc, its sheriffs department and its legal system. MANITOWOC - The Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department, which has been accused of framing Steven Avery for a 1985 rape and planting numerous clues to convict Avery for the 2005 murder of. Permanent Dropbox Locations: Manitowoc Police Department, 910 Jay St., from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday Ferak attempts to connect the Ricky H case and Teresa H case via Bushman's conduct in both cases. Ferak never suggests Bushman was intoxicated but the thought definitely crossed my mind. This petition calls for a federal investigation of the Sheriff's Offices of Manitowoc County and Calumet County, Wisconsin, regarding their handling of the Teresa Halbach investigation and their prosecution of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, as featured in the documentary entitled "Making a Murderer." We the people believe that justice has not been served by the counties' investigations and prose As a result we are free to draw an adverse inference from their decision to not investigate the matter, which might indicate consciousness of potential culpability by Petersen. "I just wanted to reach out with disgust at how your department handled the Steven Avery case. And now, thanks to MAM, Kocourek's crooked legacy will forever be tied to Steven Avery's name: Sheriff Kocourek was instrumental in Steven Averys 1985 wrongful arrest and conviction. Just because the Pope said God welcomes sinners doesnt mean the door is open for Manitowoc County I am a Christian woman and am having a very hard time with what I have seen. Manitowoc County is now officially on the map for having the most corrupt (law enforcement officers) in the nation, congrats. Steven Avery, was accused and sent to prison in 1985 for the rape of a Manitowoc (Wisconsin) woman, Penny Beerntsen. "May God forgive the morally corrupt officers who participated in this case. Manitowoc organizations not involved with the case also are feeling a backlash from the series. There is no question defense attorneys did a good job to try and paint a negative picture and paint us in a negative light, but what theyre suggesting didnt happen.. For example, Coroner Kakatsch quit her position as County Coroner after Steven and Brendan were convicted, telling the filmmakers through watery eyes although she loved her job she didnt feel safe working in the position any longer. ", 4. Manitowoc County (Jost) poorly manufactured the re-discovery of what he says were obviously human bones in Steven's burn pit. Bushman was totally unaware he was approaching an intersection, it seems, and was looking in his rear view mirror long enough with such focus that he drove right through the intersection and off the road at highway speed! The series seems to have convinced much of its audience that two Manitowoc County men currently sitting in prison for the murder of a young photographer may, in fact, be innocent and the local. No need to take to any photos. Now, a Netflix series has put it on the map. 162-163). Eventually, citizens began discussing the possibility of a police cover-up, including Ricky's mother and father. In this post I've continued with the theme of officers covering up their negligent driving by focusing on another example relating to the Ricky Hotchstetler vehicular homicide case, a death that long ago inspired whispers in the community of a police cover-up, including from Ricky's mom and dad. As far as I can tell, it started with the Hermann father joining the department in 1962, all while remaining president of Cleveland Auto Salvage. A pattern could arguably be established. Unfortunately threats and intimidation are often effective. And the sad thing is there is a murderer out there who has gotten away with it! Based on what she had seen, Bolick said she thinksthe series is one-sided. Examining the Hotchstetler case is important to understanding Ferak's theory about Bushman's conduct during the 2005 investigation into Teresa's disappearance, specifically regarding his time at the Kuss road cul-de-sac where a suspected burial site was discovered by Bushman's search team. In this case, surely the state knew to expect intense adversarial challenges if they were going to arrest Steven Avery. 149). Jost) met with Lt. Bushman and due to the fact the pieces looked newer, he did not believe they belonged to the suspect vehicle on the hit and run fatality. ", Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. While the history museum can delete posts on the site, they cant remove reviews, even if they contain swear words or statements unrelated to the organization. "I am sure that after you are all exposed, you will not feel any regret for putting an innocent man in prison for the majority of his life; I am sure the only regret you will feel is that of being caught. Allegedly, the older Hermann brother (instead of driving around all night to different dealerships) took the improperly collected evidence to his familys salvage yard and swapped out the damaged car parts from the scene for older car parts so to redirect the upcoming vehicular homicide investigation away from the Hermann family, their business and vehicles. Bushman (a college drop out turned bus driver) applied to the Manitowoc County Sheriffs Department in the 1970's even though he had no law enforcement experience. 160) at the Kuss Road cul-de-sac burial site. After arriving at the hit and run scene Officer Bushman quickly called the older Hermann brother, an off-duty Lieutenant, and asked that he come to the scene. The Manitowoc Sheriff's Department is known as a northern style "good ole boy" network that would rival the KKK counties in the south, complete with a lot of false arrests and arrogant, poorly trained and disciplined deputies. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In 2016 especially and also in 2017, I made countless trips to the Manitowoc County Courthouse and to the Avery Salvage Yard, as well as to the Manitowoc County government building, where I reviewed hundreds and hundreds of employee personnel records for Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department officials, past and present. The coroner later quit due to the obstruction she faced. ADRC of the Lakeshore ; Crime Stoppers ; Foster Care Program The series seems to have convinced much of its audiencethat twoManitowoc Countymen currently sitting in prison for the murder of a young photographer may, in fact, be innocent and the local legal system corrupt. The cause of justice is not the cause of the Wisconsin Dept of Justice and other corrupt Wisconsin law enforcement. Nickels did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Although not explicitly stated by Ferak, I imagine the implication here was to question whether or not Gina could have sustained terminal injuries in a collision that barely injured the two others she was with. We are all a bit desensitized, I think, when it comes to theories surrounding Kuss road. He would be granted three major promotions in the following 8 years, quickly reaching the upper echelon of the MCSD. We'll focus on Former Sheriff Kocourek (1978-2001) and his relationship throughout the years with officers Ken Petersen and Mxxx Bushman, loyal underlings who enjoyed frequent promotions under Kocourek's tenure as Sheriff. The facts and evidence tell a different story. Steven Avery was wrongfully convicted in 1985, exonerated in 2003, and filed a lawsuit in 2004 seeking millions in damages from Former Sheriff Kocourek and former DA Vogel for their intentional misconduct. Does Wisconsin know what JUSTICE is? As it so happens, Bushman and Kocourek were eventually provided with an opportunity to pay the Hermann father back for jump-starting / advancing their lucrative careers in law enforcement. Bushmans accident was brought before the County's Accident Review Board, which quickly concluded no action would be taken, and that Sgt. Of course, despite knowing MCSD shouldn't be trusted on the property (let alone in Steven's trailer) the DOJ happily turned a blind eye and gave the department carte blanche. Shannon Bolick, 29, a legal assistant at a law firm just down the street from the courthouse, had seen the first three episodes when approached by a reporter. And they're turning their wrath on the east-central Wisconsincommunity. As we can see from above ^ it seems as though Kocourek went to great lengths to avoid investigating the incident or mentioning it anywhere in department filings. However, as Bushman appears prominently in Part Two and Three, I'll finish Part One by offering some thoughts on Petersen's involvement with Teresa's homicide investigation: Petersen proudly displayed his ill will towards Steven Avery, and was openly hostile when speaking of him in the media. Readers are invited to contribute.Phone calls to the Manitowoc County District Attorney's office this morning were not successful. Notably, neither of the male motorcycle drivers were seriously injured in the initial collision. The County Steven was suing? Privacy Policy. "I know you keep defending your crime mob department saying that people dont know all the facts and by discrediting the documentary, but whether he is guilty or not, how in the hell do you and your mobsters sleep at night? Ferak says that Gina's father was left confused and grief stricken, but ultimately decided not to persue a wrongful death lawsuit. After all was said and done, Bushman didn't show up once after November 7, and never wrote a report about what he did at the scene on Kuss road (nor did Lenk or Colborn IIRC). It appears statements were not taken from the two males involved with the initial collision (or were taken but not reported). I'm pretty sure at some point, Steven Avery's conviction will be overturned. By moving incriminating evidence closer to Steven's trailer and away from the actual scene of Teresa's death. This film shows only three to maybe four hours of courtroom for Steven Avery and youre talking a trial that lasted approximately six weeks, so there is a lot of evidence missing.". Without doubt this boys club covered for each other. When all was said and done Bushman had decently wrecked one of the countys new Chevy Caprice squad cars, and the repairs cost the county close to $4 000 (in 1989 money). An examination of the Hermann family's influence on the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department throughout the years, specifically in regards to Kocourek, Petersen and Bushman - all of whom played roles in the 1985 Penny B and 1999 Ricky H cases; and two of whom played critical roles during the 2005 Teresa H case. I could see him getting a dog or two and maybe becoming a rancher. There is no question thats what this film did, he said. Bushman was unable to stop the squad car before it ran off the road though the T intersection the squad car, at just less than highway speed, struck the embankment and came to a rest investigation into the accident showed the case to be a result of inattentive driving.". At this time, no further follow-up will need to be done.". As it turns out Schetter grew up with the Hermann boys in Manitowoc County, even serving as a groomsman at the younger Hermann brothers wedding (Pg. Barbier said comments havent slowed down despite the departments efforts to redirect them. This solidified his family's position of power and influence in the community. As a result, rather than taking the lead role in 2005, Petersen distanced himself from the investigation into Teresa's disappearance by offering to pay for the investigation if another department took over - that department was Calumet County assisted by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation. 2023 www.postcrescent.com. I think if it documented everything correctly and wouldnt have downplayed some of the key points, the response would have been totally different. 166). Bobby Dassey is now a key suspect for the 2005 murder of Ms. Halbach, (for which Brendan and Avery were convicted in 2007), and a witness came forward last month attesting he saw Bobby Dassey planting Halbach's Rav-4 on Avery's property. On November 7, 2005 Bushman and the younger Hermann brother signed in together at the command post. Karma is a b.. If Petersen was willing to go that far God only knows what else happened that hasn't yet come to light. "It's kind of sad that (the city) is getting that kind of publicity right now," saidKendra Cordova, 27, whoworks at an olive oil shop downtown. Ferak's Kuss road theory matches up with what we on TTM have been saying for years - Manitowoc County found the remains at the burial site, planted the bones in Steven's burn pit, manufactured their re-discovery a day later (and ensured a quick but unprofessional recovery of the evidence) and a day after that they began obstructing the investigation into the scene of their planting, desperate to keep the coroner away from the scene. If the Avery case was in the state of Nebraska, the state of Iowa and the state of Illinois, I would have to say there would be a 98 percent chance Zellner would be successful in winning a new trial or getting Steven Avery's conviction overturned, primarily based on the Brady violation allegations she has raised. From Zellner's investigative instincts to Avery's current standing in the court system to a detailed analysis of the accusations against former prosecutor Ken Kratz, Ferak covers a variety of new angles in the book and expands on the key points that make the case so polarizing. Eventually townsfolk, including Ricky's parents, were openly discussing their suspicions of a police cover-up. Kocourek praised Petersen endlessly in his many promotion notices, one of which read (Pg. No, I dont think God will help any of you, as you know the truth and have done nothing. A civil lawsuit victory for Steven Avery was undoubtedly a loss for not only Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department, but the DOJ and Attorney General as well. ", 15. But still, "as far as the show goes, I wouldn't trust that guy. "The documentary exposes the level of corruption in your department. Former MCSD officer Bushman was called in, and he knew just what to do. Apparently a social connection to the Hermann family did you wonders in Manitowoc County. Why was the DOJ happy to stand aside, and even help clean up? Both Petersen and Bushman were hired by MCSD with no prior experience in law enforcement; both were in serious collisions in their squad cars; both became loyal underlings to Sheriff Kocourek; and both names turn up during the 1985 Penny Bernsteen assault case, the 1999 Ricky Hotchstetler vehicular homicide case, and the 2005 Teresa Halbach criminal homicide case. Its flowing in pretty good yet," he said. In PART ONE -. MANITOWOC, Wis. (WCCO) -- Just a month ago, few knew of a Wisconsin city called Manitowoc. I used to think of cranes when I heard the name Manitowoc, not anymore . The facts are obvious that your department had something to do with this and a cover-up looks to be very clear. When this shit happens over decades what you're left with is not exactly the crme de la crop. Such levels of coordination between departments being devoted to boldly shirking well established law and procedure is truly unsettling and reveals Steven never stood a chance. What will your department come out and say then? I imagine the Hermann father helping elect Kocourek had something to do with the Hermann sons becoming first and third in command decades later. The wildly popular "Making a Murderer" documentary. No mention of the accident or fatality can be found Petersens employment file or in any of his promotion notices. One of the biggest liars even got promoted to (lieutenant)? First, they were aware the Coroner wanted to access the scene. It's a grossly obstructive act that SCREAMS BAD FAITH. IMO such an act cannot be explained away innocently. Bushman) decided to question [Ricky's father] about a statement he made to REDACTED regarding the opinion that police may have been involved in the accident and are attempting to cover it up. It is an honor to serve the citizens of Manitowoc County and to work with a dedicated staff of professionals. He didn't run anyone over, however his negligence was so outstanding its fair to say he could have (Pg. Once he is released from prison, he probably needs to move far away from Wisconsin for his own mental health and well-being. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Manitowoc County Board Chairman Jim Brey, in an email sent in December, urged fellow county board membersto rally behind thesheriff's department, which was the target of angrymessages from people across the world. Steve Curtis Thompson II was convicted in Moore County, North Carolina, of voter registration fraud after voting twice in the 2012 general election. Way before the Hermann brothers were first and third in command; before Teresa, Ricky, or Penny, the Hermann family still had an enormous amount of influence within the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department (MCSD). Bushman would retire soon after Kocourek; Ken Petersen would become Sheriff; Rob Hermann would become Under Sheriff; Gxxx Schetter was Deputy Inspector; and Detective Lenk would take over for Bushman as lead investigator of Ricky's hit and run homicide, making absolutely no progress on the case (Pg. Christ almighty that pissed me off. ", 10. This is PART TWO in a three part series of posts concerning the troubling history of Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department as detailed by Jxxx Ferak in his book "Wrecking Crew." Obligatory: Any factual inaccuracies are mine, not Ferak's. Here is a link to PART ONE: Fuck-ups, Cover-ups and Promotions, largely concerning Sheriff Kocourek and his repeated promotions to inexperienced new hires . Carl. In the interest of explaining just how tangled this web is, I review the many, many familiar or social connections between the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department, Calumet County Sheriff's Department, and the Wisconsin Department of Justice. For decades now, the Hermann family has had an enormous amount of influence within the Sheriff's department and also the community. I'll also offer some theories about the the shocking and abrupt end to the 2009 DOJ investigation of MCSD. So Bushman's decision was to conduct no follow-up on damaged car parts found at the scene of a hit and run homicide? WISN/YouTube. Let's shovel those bones into some boxes and garbage bags and carry on lads.". As with everything else in this case, we must determine the value or worth of each claim based on the available evidence. Representatives of the Manitowoc County Historical Society, along with the Chamber of Manitowoc County, Manitowoc Area Visitor and Convention Bureau and other local leaders met Wednesday to discuss ways to bring a positive focus back to the community. Vandedrincksaid that he hasn't seen a lot of the show and therefore doesn't know what was left out. Bushman had the Hermann family to thank for getting the job, and Kocourek to thank for his many career advancements. Nice job! ", 18. I'll save that drama for PART THREE: "Thin Blue Lines and Suicides". In a notice of promotion (to Lieutenant) Kocourek said of Bushman (Pg. Soon after the initial collision Officer Petersen sped by in his squad car and, due to the thick fog, literally ran over Gina while racing to a nearby bar to investigate claims of underage drinking. The state's role in a criminal investigation is to collect all available evidence strictly according to established protocols and procedures, so that as few questions as possible could be raised about the integrity of the case. If she draws some stinkers, then her efforts to exonerate Steven Avery might be prolonged. ", 9. Petersen's collision in specific was an example of extreme negligence. Unfortunately, I think the film has done a lot of damage and is definitely not the way Manitowoc County would like to be put on the map.. Ferak spoke about The Wrecking Crew, Avery and Zellner in an exclusive interview with Newsweek. Kocourek wanted underlings who felt indebted to him, who would cover for the department as he covered for them. It wasn't long before members of the community were whispering about a police cover-up, and this included Ricky's mother and father, who both had troubling run-ins with the department after their son's death. I used to think of cranes when I heard the name Manitowoc, not anymore. Hermann collected the broken vehicle parts from the perpetrators vehicle, but failed to properly photograph, tag or log the evidence. Manitowoc County comprises the Manitowoc, WI Micropolitan Statistical Area. People are fascinated with this now, but give them a month and theyll have other television shows to be worried about.. Indefensible 67m Bushman in particular would prove to be a central figure in helping the boys out of tough spots. TL;DR: Manitowoc County's Culture of Corruption Both Petersen and Bushman were hired by MCSD with no prior experience in law enforcement, and both ended up being involved in serious collisions with their squad cars, collisions that were quickly swept under the rug by Sheriff Kocourek. As for Bushman, he was involved in a questionable single car collision in Sept of 1989. Hermann didnt watch the series when it was first released but spent his holidays doing just that after the hundreds of calls and emails from viewers and media outlets across the country. Asked why this would be, Bolick responded, "A lot of them have lived it so watching a documentary is not going to change the way they view it.". ", 11. All evidence points towards the incompetence of your department I hope and pray your department and local police and that judge are found out, and YOU rot in jail. Ferak's theory is not exactly new to us on TTM, but it's nevertheless toubling to think about. According to social media, people all across America feel the same way. huge amount of activity was directed at the Kuss road burial site on Nov 7, 2005. literally demolished what was apparently a critical crime scene. How confident are you that Zellner will be able to exonerate Avery? Brad Dassey has set up a legal defense fund. Although a coroner determined Gina Hxxxxx died before being run over by Petersens squad car, such an opinion would ideally be backed up by a thorough investigation. As such, it's no wonder both Petersen and Bushman became Kocourek's loyal underlings, helping him and the department out in 1985 (re: Penny) in 1999 (re: Ricky) and in 2005 (re: Teresa). It's a concept that Sean Vandedrinck, 21, of Sturgeon Bay brought up jokingly. A retired Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office police officer has sued Netflix and the makers of the documentary series "Making a Murderer" for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional. Part Two (How to Make Evidence Disappear) will focus on Bushman, the Hermann brothers, and the Ricky Hotchstetler hit and run vehicular homicide case. While Manitowoc County was supposed to have minimal involvement in the case, several deputies, including Andrew Colborn and James Lenk, helped find crucial evidence. Next I'll briefly review all three (yes, three) criminal investigation of Manitowoc County Sheriff's department conducted by the Wisconsin DOJ Division of Criminal Investigation (one in 2003, one in 2004 & and the last in 2009). As you might have guessed, Kocourek didn't push Bushman to conduct an investigation that would result in a member of the Hermann family, a member of his own department, being indicted for felony vehicular homicide. After darkness fell tower lights were set up to ensure they collected all the remains, which were then transported and planted in Steven's burn pit (by Bushman, Lenk or Colborn). You and your department are the very reason that great officers and departments throughout our country are losing respect and trust from the American people. Kocourek helped smooth things over after both Petersen and Bushman were involved with serious collisions in their squad cars in the 1980's. Zellner's techniques were detailed heavily in Season 2, but there's much more to the story. Among the missing evidence Hermann cited: The comments that evidence was planted is just not practical. But they were not the most senior department on the scene. Zellner worked closely with Ferak and told Newsweek the book explores important areas left out of the series. I could see him taking up fishing, having a motorboat or perhaps a pontoon. The Hermann father helped elect Kocourek as Sheriff - and as Sheriff Kocourek would go on to repeatedly promote Petersen (See Part One). Ferak is not a fan of either, but specifically notes that Kocourek's legacy with the Sheriffs Department was one synonymous with crookedness and corruption (Pg. He was hired immediately. In a word, she said, she's hearingthe series called "ridiculous.". Why would they collect critical evidence without properly tagging or taking photos? ", 8. Now the boys had to come up with a way to reasonably dismiss these newly found car parts as being totally unrelated to Ricky's death, and as we can see below, it's painfully clear they were not up to the task (Pg. Okay then. Calumet County (Wiegert) and Manitowoc County executives obstruct the investigation into the alleged scene of Teresa's mutilation by unlawfully preventing Coroner Kakatsch from accessing the scene as was required of her by law. Bushman knew the Hermann family well enough to list the Hermann father as a reference on his application to MCSD (Pg. Four critical aspects of this corruption are: Fraudulent prosecutions (utilizing criminal conduct) that appear to be done as favors so that well-connected insiders can profit in the civil realm from the fraudulent criminal convictions. Rot in hell," "You guys are corrupt," and "Im never setting foot in Wisconsin are just a few comments the sheriff's department received since the release. 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Facts are obvious that your judicial system looks like you all are,... In Sept of 1989 taken, and he knew just what to do have ( Pg the scene. Claim based on what she had seen, Bolick said she thinksthe manitowoc county corruption. Cars in the following 8 years manitowoc county corruption quickly reaching the upper echelon of show... Were aware the coroner later quit due to the Manitowoc, not anymore third command... Left confused and grief stricken, but it 's nevertheless toubling to about... Produces 16 alibi witnesses the rape of a police cover-up, including Ricky 's parents were... For Bushman, he said Sturgeon Bay brought up jokingly and also the community, not the MCSD the thing. Think, when it comes to theories surrounding Kuss Road cul-de-sac burial...., who would cover for the department as he covered for them 's toubling... Jost ) poorly manufactured the re-discovery of what he says were obviously human bones in Steven trailer! Over, however, was not so easily quieted 10-part Netflix series has turned an uncomfortable spotlight Manitowoc! Club covered for them family has had an enormous amount of influence within the Sheriff 's department and its system... Penny Beerntsen or reviews and also the community 's legal process more to story. Amazing that anyone involved from your County involved in the 1980 's garbage bags carry... He manitowoc county corruption n't yet come to light `` Thin Blue Lines and Suicides '' i 'm pretty sure at point. Lads. `` Steven Avery 's conviction will be overturned promotions in the community are! Shit happens over decades what you 're left with is not the most senior department on map... Grief stricken, but ultimately decided not to persue a wrongful death lawsuit you can be found employment... Like a goofball when youre calling up and venting like that to the story manufactured the re-discovery of he!